A few days ago I saw a report on CBS Evening News about China's efforts to improve mistakes in English language around the nation...dubbed "
Chinglish" (Chinese English), in preparation of the upcoming Olympics tourism there. We have our own version, called "Arabish" (Arabic/English). Although I have yet to see an "Anus Hospital" for a proctologist like they had in China, some signs can get a bit corny. I usually don't have to look any further than my own family...myself, husband and kids included, to get the best Arabish (a later post) but these specimens are out for public display:
Do you feel lucky? Take a chance with our oil.
In case you ever wondered where the town's fat-a**es go to play pool:

Nursing homes are so cruel. We just throw all the old guys in one neighborhood so they have their own little community. We call it "Old Kout" area. (old coot in American English=old codger for those in England):
In a country where young men and women sometimes marry without having met each other, you can get to know your seafood and poultry in a meet-and-greet before they're killed for your dinner:
In case your turkey needs a trim:
Possibly free delivery or is the food free if I 'arrive' there?:

Just in case there's someone who feels like commenting on how cruel I am and how these people are trying and I should give them credit since this isn't their language...blah, blah, blah... I suggest you take yourself to that "Anus hospital" in China and get that stick removed so you can laugh more:D