Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I think I can, I think I can...

OK, I've spent enough time trying to make everything nice and pretty for my guests. I want to get down to the nitty gritty. I'm going to try and post at least once a week, I think on Mondays. I chose Mondays because on Sundays, my friends and I have a little get together at my house. We sit and gripe about what's buggin us which provides more fodder for the blog-flame.
Keep your eyes peeled. The first post will be about "Saudi-ness"; what makes a Saudi, a Saudi. Who is considered a Saudi, and who is not, by whom, and for what reasons. Also, I've added a few pictures, one of myself (covered of course, silly!). Check out my pics by clicking the hand pic on the right side as well as the rest of my tentative titles listed at the bottom.
For those of you who have been blogging for awhile this will sound kinda cheesy: I was so happy when I saw people were viewing my blog I got a bit teary eyed with pride. I was surprised it happened so quickly, people were reading and commenting on me already, after a few days! I still haven't listed myself on a feed yet, still researching which one I want to use. Can't wait to see what happens then. I'm already getting to know some of you and that fills a void that I've had due to a lack of stimulating conversation. This tends to happen with housewives all over the world so sisters, UNITE. Let me know you're there and comment your hearts out. Thanks for the support.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bravo -- keep up your blogging. It is a pleasure to read from other women who are residing in the Kingdom and presenting differing views and perspectives!

American Bedu