Update: Apparently my cat is so hideous looking in real-life, my 6 year-old is completely freaked out by her. When she woke up the next morning and my cat streaked past her, she had a hand-flapping, jumping, screaming, crying, heart-pounding FIT! It's now the second day and she still can't look at her without panic! I never expected this...it's just a really bad hair-cut.
Before the carnage

Note the whiskers lost while trying to bite me while the clippers were on her neck. She may look ridiculous but I guarantee she's happy to get rid of her winter coat.
Oh dear....
That is one angry kitty!
LOL! Maskeena.
Thanks S. Turns out I really needed that laugh. This is shockingly hilarious. poor baby (both the cat and your little girl.lol)
Did you bring your kitty abroad with you?
I came with two cats originally from the States. I've had them for over 12 years. I couldn't take them with me when we went to England to study because they have a 6 month quarantine! Also, we were coming back here most summers so we left my cats at my in-laws. Apparently, my other cat pulled a "Not Without My Daughter"-like escape, seeing as how she was so unhappy living in a Saudi ghetto and longed for her posh life back in the States. She made a run for it while I was in England and we don't know what became of her.
Even this cat, Amira, made a run for it once while I was in England. The stupid idiot hasn't a clue about avoiding large, oncoming vehicles in the street since she's strictly been a house cat so she got hit by a car. She fractured her leg and never pulled that stunt again.
I'm guessing my cats kept getting out when my almost blind father-in-law opened the door when leaving for prayer.
Awwww such a funny story. Thanks for sharing.
hey i looked again and the whiskers are uneven on the poor thing, you should chop off the other side too! i know looks are not that important, but sometimes, they should go before comfort!!
he hee...I have 3 cats who have all been around the world 3 times and naturally are in Saudi with me. One is a persian and of course, requires the lion cut as well. Too bad you are not closer to Riyadh as Life & Nature pet store on King Fah'd road does an outstanding job with grooming!
Now that I know you like cats SSW, you must join us over in saudipets@yahoogroups.com
Cheers, American_Bedu
hi, i am delurking to say that this is completely hilarious, meskina is right! You are right though, deep down inside kitty is happy to be rid the fur
Omigod... that poor kitty... You couldn't just shave half? (like the belly?)... poor baby... I was just thinking today that might need to shave my fatso cat as he's terribly furry this year and its warming up. Just not as warm as your place. :)
Asalaamu alaykum
LOL i think he/she is mad
Oh my!
I was wondering if you have any idea as to where we can get a maine coon here in Ksa? or if you have one that you are willing to give or sell? or know about anyone who is willing to?? I need a cat BADLY :( so pls elp me out
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